urban vibes | claire [senior portraits] | waconia mn senior portrait photographer

June 18, 2024  •  Leave a Comment
Claire's senior portraits absolutely slay in her photo cover album! We met on a gorgeous sun-kissed evening in Watertown to adventure around, starting with more of an urban looking setting. Her white dress and contrasting dark curly hair popped against the red brick building before switching to a more causal, jean and olive jacket look. Claire was all giggles as she tried to walk on a curb as a balance beam and feeling goofy as I made her play with her hair, giving the camera the best smiles! We ended with a classy neutral black jumpsuit in an earthy field of greens as the sun set. A week after the session, I helped Claire and her mom pick out their absolute favorites from the session, and select which ones to be printed in a fun photo cover album with pearl finished pages to be shared throuhgt her senior year and at her grad party. Congrats, Claire! 
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Looking for an enjoyable photographer to make your senior portraits fun and actually get them printed?
Send me a message for more information about my senior sessions and album information!



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